Environmental Impact

The planned production level of Eslinger Biodiesel will have the effect of taking 23,000 cars off the road.

Carbon Intensity

The Carbon Intensity (CI) of B-100 is 11.76 gCO2/MJ, as established by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). This is an 87% reduction from 93.08 gCO2-eq/MJ, which is the accepted carbon intensity of petroleum diesel. Biofuels produced from recycled fryer oil and animal fats offers a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, as demonstrated by its Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). At our full production capacity of 10 million gallons per year, Eslinger Biodiesel will displace 81,600 MT of C02. The lower temperatures needed by our unique enzyme process will result in 62.5% less heat used, which lowers the total carbon intensity 25% to 8.82gCO2/MJ.

Solar power and renewable CNG powered utilities will reduce GHG even further. Our goal is to become the first carbon neutral bio-refinery in America.

  • Tail Pipe Differences with Biodiesel reduction in Carbon Intensity over diesel fuel 87% 87%
  • Carbon Monoxide Reduction 43.2% 43.2%
  • Hydrocarbons Reduction 56.3% 56.3%
  • Particulates Reduction 55.4% 55.4%
  • Nitrogen Oxides = 0 value (EBI biofuel is NOx neutral) 0% 0%
  • Air Toxics Reduction 60 to 90% 60 to 90%
Future development projects at our “Bio-Fuel Center” in Fresno California include expanded biodiesel production next year and a Solid Phase Anaerobic Digester that will convert 100 tons per day of food waste into a clean renewable bio-gas. Green CNG produced on-site will be used in our process heating systems and in our transport vehicles to further reduce our carbon footprint to zero.

Eslinger Biodiesel will have the effect of taking 23,000 cars off the road.

Our goal is to become the first carbon neutral bio-refinery in America.