Feedstock Suppliers
Crude Glycerol
Crude glycerol is a natural by-product produced during many chemical production process like soap making or Bio-diesel refining, specifically taking place during transesterification of the vegetable fats. The Glycerin we refine comes from the Crude Glycerol by-product produced on site and also shipped to us from other biodiesel plants. Crude glycerol contains a significant amount of methanol, water, soaps, and salts and typically has a glycerol content of anywhere between 40 to 88%.
Most glycerol should be stored in heated vessels and transported in tank trucks or rail cars that have the ability to be steam heated at its destination. Our tank farm and our off-loading facilities both have the ability to steam heat the product to facilitate pumping.
Our technologies involve glycerin distillation and methanol recovery with a total throughput capacity of 2.5 million gallons in 2020. Our glycerin capacity will double in phase 2 with the addition of a second distillation column and a 6-car rail load out.