
“Transitioning to cleaner, low carbon fuels is a key component for California to achieve our greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, improve our air quality and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels,” said Commissioner Janea A. Scott of the California Energy Commission.

In the ever-increasing drive to cut carbon and lower CO2 emissions, forward-looking industries, fleets and individuals are using biodiesel blends as an easy and cost-effective way to reduce their carbon footprint in their existing diesel vehicle or fleet.

Uses include Light Rail Systems, Caltrans, School Buses Ferry Fleets, Power Plants, Municipal Transit Systems, National and State Parks, the Military and the vast California Agricultural Industry.

Why Transition to Sustainable Renewable Fuels?

10 Excellent Reasons

1. Climate Change
Recycle carbon and reduce your footprint.  Don’t release “new” carbon from its underground storage.
2. Energy Security
Peak Oil. We need to be prepared for when oil runs out.
3. Higher Lubricity
Engines produce the same HP and last longer with Biodiesel.
4. Environmental Benefits
Avoid deep water drilling, oil spills, destruction of habitat from tar sands or fracking.
5. National Security
Military does not have to protect feedstock sources or transportation routes of advanced biofuels.
6. Jobs
Advanced bio-fuel production creates local jobs in agriculture, forestry, waste management, engineering, science, bio-refineries and the indirect jobs that support these with food, shelter and services.
7. Leadership in Science and Technology
Historically, the basis of economic success. Advanced bio-fuel is today’s frontier.
8. Keep your money at home!
Do not spend your currency on foreign energy resources.
9. Not Under Someone Else’s Control
Lessen the power of foreign energy providers.
10. Fueling America’s Independence
An energy security, economic development, and climate change solution.